
Activities in April 2010] A quiz game was held to promote a broad understanding of the SDGs! *Quiz contents also posted

We’ve got a few changes to the April 2022 activities. We’ll be doing some quizzes about the world’s problems related to each of the SDGs. We’ll also be doing some activities to help everyone understand the issues better.

Just to let you know that Mr. H from the Engineering Department is in charge for April.

The SDGs have 17 goals, and Sugitec has set the following 8 goals as targets.

Mr. H was asked to take a quiz on this target. Tokyo members and other traveling members took part remotely, and each team was split into smaller groups to work together.

What kind of problems were they? We will describe them below. We encourage everyone reading this to think about it.

Q1.2-Question from the “Zero hunger” section.
「Which of the following percentages of people in the world are food insecure?」

  1. one out of nine
  2. 1 in 900
  3. 1 in 3,000

Correct answer is 1

As for grains, they say that enough is produced to feed people all over the world, but there are many people who do not have enough food to eat due to poor harvesting efficiency and transportation methods.
(Reference:Shikoku University SDGs and Consumer Policy Study Group: Learning SDGs

Q2.4-Questions from “Quality Education” section.
「How many children in the world are unable to go to school?」

  1. 590,000 people
  2. 5.9 million people
  3. 59 million people

Correct answer is 3

It is estimated that there are 59 million out-of-school children worldwide. About 34 million of these children are in Africa.

Q3.5-Questions from “Gender Equality” section.
「How many girls worldwide will be married within 18 years of age by 2030?」

  1. 5 million people
  2. 50 million people
  3. 150 million people

Correct answer is 3

Child marriage is on the decline worldwide, but the speed at which this issue is being addressed seems to be too slow. If this trend continues, by 2030, the number of child brides is expected to exceed 150 million, and we need to speed up to end this practice!
(Reference:One in Five Women Worldwide Experiences Child Marriage|UNICEF Press Release

Q4.8-Questions from “Decent work and economic growthsection.
「Cacao is known as a raw material for chocolate and cocoa, but how many children are working in Ghana, from which Japan imports about 80%?」

  1. 90,000 people
  2. 900,000 people
  3. 9 million people

Correct answer is 2

It is estimated that about 900,000 children are currently working in the cocoa industry in Ghana. Japan, which imports cacao, is not unaffected by this problem.
(Reference:SDGs and Chocolate – What we can do for a sustainable future|JUCA

Q5.9-Questions from “Sustainable cities and communities” section.
「How many people in the world live without water, electricity, internet, or other infrastructure, but are unable to use electricity normally?」

  1. 90 million people
  2. 300 million people
  3. 2.6 billion people

Correct answer is 3

Some 2.6 billion people are forced to live with unstable electricity. About 800 million people live without access to stable water resources. Building this infrastructure is critical to creating a foundation for industry and technological innovation.
(Reference:United Nations Method Center

Q6.11-Questions from create a community where people can continue to live
「The number of natural disasters and the number of people affected by them has increased by about how many times in about 40 years since 1970?」

  1. Twice
  2. Five times
  3. Almost the same

Correct answer is 2

Disasters such as droughts, desertification, super typhoons and torrential rains have been on the rise in recent years. It is said that more people will be forced to move due to disasters and more people will be exposed to food crises.
(Reference:SDGs CLUB

Q7.【12-Questions from “Responsible consumption and production” section
「How much food produced in the world is thrown away?」

  1. One third
  2. One-seventh
  3. One-fifteenth

Correct answer is 1

One-third of all food produced in the world is thrown away before it reaches the consumer.
For example, in North America and Oceania alone, 5.81 million tons of potatoes are thrown away, which is 45% of the actual potatoes.

(Reference:SDGs CLUB

Q8.【17-Questions from “Partnerships for the goals” section
「International cooperation is increasingly needed, but how did the money spent on Official Development Assistance (ODA) in 2018 compare to 2017?」

  1. Increased 2.7%.
  2. Decreased by 2.7%
  3. Little difference

Correct answer is 2

International cooperation is being called for, but the current situation is that the amount of aid disbursed by governments for development cooperation in 2018 is lower than in 2017. The number of people in need of funds is increasing, as it is the largest source of funding for developing countries!
(Reference:SDGs CLUB

These are the quiz questions and answers that were asked in this initiative. How many did you answer correctly? If you look at the current status of each of the world’s problems as numbers, you will see that they are much larger than you can imagine.

However, we cannot suddenly do something big, but each of us must be aware of these facts and change our awareness on an individual level.

Thank you again for your meaningful efforts. In the annual raffle to determine who will be in charge of the next meeting, a member of the survey team was chosen! We will announce it here soon along with our goals for May!
